Welcome to Outer Space
So, like, I don't have any more assignments to worry about until next term; how cool is THAT?? All I have left is one more online Astronomy quiz. Oh, right, and an Astronomy exam two days from now. Oh, goody. Perhaps I should, oh I don't know, start reviewing my notes or something like that. I hear that's a good idea before you write an exam.
Um, so, sorry for all the "like"s and like, general spaceyness, but I'm feeling kinda out of it today (the British have that lovely word 'knackered' but sadly I can't think of a Canadian/American equivalent that has quite the same ring to it). I woke up with a splitting headache and was, therefore, disinclined to actually get up, which meant Mom and I left the house later than we were supposed to. Fine in my case, though, b/c I don't have class until 12 on Wednesdays and we just leave early so she can go to the gym. (I have nowhere near that kind of dedication. I also wouldn't want other people around if I were, at some point, to decide it would be a good idea to actually, like, work out a little. Then again, Mom does have an additional incentive because my brother bought her a one-year gym membership. That usually helps.)
Anyhoo, I'm sure that's all very, very interesting to you all, but like I said -- I'm kinda writing this on autopilot right now just because I'm waiting 'til it's time for my next class and I'm too sleepy to start reviewing my Astronomy notes now. (Too sleepy to study, but not too sleepy to go to class? I have fallen asleep in every Finance class this term, save two. D'you think I can get through today's? Any bets or guesses?)
What does everyone want for Christmas, anyway? Not that I'll get a chance to shop until a while from now and not that I can guarantee I'd actually be able to get what people want, but I'd be interested to know what people are wishing for (you know, in a material goods kind of way) this year.
Okay, so, like, I think I've reached my mental capacity to type anything else right now and quite frankly, I could use a bit of a break to do absolutely nothing for a few minutes before my next class. Absolutely nothing....that sounds great.